My Goals for 2018

Hello all! Welcome to another blog post!

It's about time I sat down and wrote about my goals for 2018.

I know some people think that starting resolutions for the new year is a load of hog wash, and some people think it's a great way to start anew. I'm a believer that you can start goals whenever you want, BUT I also like a starting point to look at what I can do to be a better person which is why I like using the new year as a launch pad for change.

Here is a list of some goals I've considered and written down to help myself focus on the new adventures that await me.

1. Move to Georgia and start grad school.
Obviously this is a given, but occasionally I like to write a goal that I know I can achieve, it helps me feel productive. I am heading down to Georgia in March, and will be documenting my journey on here and on my YouTube channel!

2. Get back into yoga consistently.
I have taken a few months off of consistent exercise to give my body time to recover from the very taxing half-marathon I ran at the beginning of October. I am feeling almost back to normal and I'm very ready to get back into working out. I signed up for two months of yoga for the last two months I'm here in Norman, and am hoping to quickly find a yoga studio in Savannah that I like. When I was doing yoga consistently a couple of years ago, I felt very at peace with myself and with the world around me. It was very healing in many ways and I felt like my body was in better shape than ever. Running was great and all, but it felt more straining than good to my body.

3. Heal my body, physically and mentally.
This could get kind of deep, but I'll keep it pretty simple. Obviously I've had issues with my auto-immune disease over the years, but I've finally started working on getting rid of my migraines and stomach issues. It's a hit and miss process, but I'm feeling confident in what foods I can eat and what feels good. Adding in yoga will help tremendously. As for mentally, without going into too much detail, I am finally coming out of a very anxious period of my life. I am slowly getting better with my anxiety and depression and I want to continue to do so. I think working on building my confidence and strengthening my trust in the process will help, which is what I will be working towards.

4. Appreciate my creative abilities.
This one is simple but not easy. I have spent years criticizing my artistic abilities without taking the time to appreciate how much I can do. Over the last year I have learned how to animate, create videos, film and edit videos, I am working on figuring out how to stream video games, but I've barely taken the time to bask in the achievements I have made. I hope to spend more time appreciate my creative abilities and less time criticizing them.

5. Be more willing to try things out of my comfort zone.
This one is simple as well, and I think this year will be a year of trying new things. Since I'm moving to another state 1,100 miles away, I'm going to have to do things on my own, make new friends, and be content with doing things without a friend by my side. Luckily, I've had the opportunity the last year or two to practice being okay on my own and it's been nice. Moving won't be easy, but I know I'll be okay.

6. Be more aware of what makes me comfortable vs. uncomfortable.
This one may not be so easy to explain, but I'll try my best! In the past, I've spent a lot of time denying my feelings because they can cause fear and anger. I have used the last few years working on this, but it still happens and I realized this recently with an experience that didn't go the way I expected. I think if I would have embraced my feelings and thoughts instead of denying them, the experience would not have gone the way it did and I could have handled myself better. I explain this to say that I need to be more honest with myself when it comes to situations that have made me uncomfortable. I talk about this more clearly in my YouTube video about New Year's goals.

7. Stay connected, positively.
This one I have already started working on and I hope to continue working on this in the new year. Here's the thing... I have begun to hate Facebook. All I see on there is negativity and hate and fear mongering. My goal this year is to spend more time on my two favorite social media platforms, and to cut back significantly on the ones I don't want to be on anymore. I will be documenting my journey on Instagram and YouTube, both of which you can follow by clicking those links. Facebook has and will become less important to me. Make sure you follow me on Insta and subscribe to me on YouTube!

Well. That's all of my goals for now but I hope to work on them diligently throughout the year. I am looking forward to 2018 and all it has to offer! Do you have any goals for the new year? Or are you continuing to work on goals you started last year? Let me know down below!


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